Tolbert Baptist Church – Headland (6.8 miles)

Tolbert Baptist Church - Headland, Alabama

Tolbert Baptist Church - Headland, AlabamaEstablished in 1855

It was first The Baptist Church of Talbot in 1855. In the 1860’s the spelling was changed to Tolbert. It wasn’t until 1910 the log structure was replace with a building built of wood planks and glass windows.

Tolbert Baptist Church is located 6.8 miles from the Headland Town Square.

{tab Location & Contact}

4305 County Road 45 S
Headland, Alabama 36345-6349

email us

Phone: 334-791-0107
Fax: 334-693-2559

{tab Schedule}


    Worship Schedule

  • Sunday
    • 9:45 AM – Sunday School
    • 11:00 AM – Worship Service


{tab Gallery}


{tab Videos}

No videos found

{tab Internet}

click for Tolbert Baptist Church website

click for Alabama Baptist Convention website

click for Southern Baptist Convention website
