St. Columba is a diverse, Christian Community in the Roman Catholic tradition located in Houston County Alabama. We are called to nourish the members of this faith community, individually and collectively, through Word and Sacrament, and to witness to the values of the Good News in the service of all God’s people.
Located 13 miles from Headland Town Square
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Worship Schedule
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday 5:30pm Vigil
Sunday 10:00am
Sunday 5:00pm Life Teen
Sunday 4:00pm Mass in Spanish in the Chapel
Daily Mass in the Chapel
Tuesday – Saturday – 9:00 am
Mass for the Sick on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:00am
If there is a funeral Mass to be celebrated any day Tuesday through Saturday there will not be a 9:00am Mass that day
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday 9:30am Saturday 4:00-5:15pm & 6:30pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrement in the Chapel
Mondays 9:45am until 8:30pm
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