helping people meet God, mature believers, minister to others
Our mission is to exalt Jesus Christ as we lead people to know Him, grow in Him, and go in His name, serving and sharing Him locally and globally. Come worship with us. We are located just north of Headland, AL off of Hwy 431.
Kinsey Baptist Church is located 4.0 miles from the Headland Town Square.
{tab Schedule}
- Sunday
- 9:45 AM – Sunday School
- 11:00 AM – Worship Service
- 5:00 PM – Evening Worship
- 5:30 PM – Discipleship Training
- Wednesday
- 6:30 PM – Bible Study
- 6:30 PM – Mission Groups
- 7:15 PM – Adult Choir Rehearsal
Worship Schedule
{tab Gallery}
{tab Videos}
Matthew 7 Ye shall Know Them By Their Fruits
Dempsey Vick Kinsey Baptist Church 7-26-09 Part 1
{tab Internet}
{tab History}
Kinsey Baptist Church was organized in 1891. There were 14 charter members. The sermon preached at the organization service was by Rev. Ephram Knowles. The first pastor was Rev. D.E. Burdshaw. The first deacon to serve the church was Brother Abe Taylor and the first clerk was Brother Norman Burdeshaw. There have been many pastors through the years of the church with our most recent pastor being Rev. Jack Wingate coming in 1999. Kinsey Baptist also has had several names since its beginning. The current name of Kinsey Baptist Church was formed in 1907. Kinsey Baptist Church has shown growth in all areas through the years. From the small building that started out as The Baptist Church of Enon to the present day building that was constructed in 1977-1978. Also from the humble beginning of 14 members to the current membership of 474.