Attention Chamber Members!
Headland Business Showcase
(formerly Look Alive After Five)
Tuesday, March 4 – 5:30-8:00pm
The Gathering Place
Deadline to register as a vendor in the Headland Business Showcase is Wednesday, February 26. Advertising starts this Sunday in the Dothan Eagle, Observer/Progress, and Abbeville Herald. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to promote your business. It’s going to be fun! Be creative with your booth…think about how you can keep people coming to your booth…moon pies, king cake, (food and drink is always good), beads, masks, and lots of green, purple and gold. There will be a jazz band, dance performances and door prizes. Please get your registration form in and let us know what door prize(s) you may want to contribute. We want to have a great showing of Headland. Please help spread the word through your contacts and customers, too.