Covenant United Methodist Church – Dothan (13.5 miles)

Covenant United Methodist Church

Covenant United Methodist ChurchWe offer multiple worship experiences and programs to meet the needs of all ages. A very important quality of our church is that we are creative and flexible. Covenant is not afraid to step out in faith and risk new approaches to ministry to attract and reach those who need the transforming love of Christ.

With one traditional and one progressive service on Sunday, we offer a variety of worship experiences. The same message is offered at both services. Through sermon series such as “How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life” “God’s Extreme Makeover” and “Living Beyond Your Fears” many are being equipped practically to live for Christ.

Covenant United Methodist Church is located 13.5 miles from the Headland Town Square.

{tab Location & Contact}

3610 W Main St
Dothan, AL 36305-1048

email us

Phone: 334-793-4440

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Worship Schedule


Traditional Service – 8:30 am

Covenant Community – 9:45 am

Progressive Service – 10:40 am

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{tab Internet}

click for Covenant United Methodist Church website
